

Petite Feet and Pre-Primary - Girls RAD Pink Freya, pink ballet socks, pink ballet tights and pink ballet shoes. Boys navy shorts, white t-shirt / leotard, white socks and white ballet shoes.

Primary.- Girls RAD Lilac Freya, pink ballet socks, pink ballet tights, pink ballet shoes. Boys navy shorts, white leotard / t-shirt, white socks and white ballet shoes.

Grade 1 and 2 - Girls RAD Marine Chloe with matching waist band, pink ballet socks, pink ballet tights and pink ballet shoes. Character skirt and low heel character shoes. Boys navy shorts, white leotard, white socks, white ballet shoes and character shoes.

Grade 3 - Girls RAD Mulberry Amiee with matching waist band, pink ballet tights and pink ballet shoes. Character skirt and cuban heel character shoes. Boys navy shorts, white leotard, white socks, white ballet shoes and character shoes.

Grade 4 and 5 - Girls Lavender Elizabeth with matching waist band, pink ballet tights and pink ballet shoes. Character skirt and cuban heel character shoes. Boys Navy shorts / leggings, white leotard, white socks, white ballet shoes and character shoes.

Grade 6-8 - Girls RAD Maddie Black capped sleeve leotard and calf length RAD black chiffon skirt. This must be worn every lesson. Character skirt and cuban heel character shoes. Boys Navy shorts / leggings, white leotard, white socks, white ballet shoes and character shoes.

Character skirts can only be purchased from the website below:


The colours are Candy pink / Lavender / Bluebell in that order.

Character skirts need to be 3 inches below the knee.

Black ballet shorts or short ballet skirt can be worn if required. Matching cardigans can be purchased. Hoodies may be worn to classes but cannot be worn during ballet.

Inter foundation / Intermediate / Advanced - please see your teacher for further details. 

Rose Hill School Ballet

Year 1Girls RAD Lilac Freya, pink ballet socks, pink ballet tights, pink ballet shoes. Boys navy shorts, white leotard / t-shirt, white socks and white ballet shoes.

Year 2/3 - Girls RAD Marine Chloe with matching waist band, pink ballet socks, pink ballet tights and pink ballet shoes. Character skirt and low heel character shoes. Boys navy shorts, white leotard, white socks, white ballet shoes and character shoes.

Year 4/5 - Girls RAD Mulberry Amiee with matching waist band, pink ballet tights and pink ballet shoes. Character skirt and cuban heel character shoes. Boys navy shorts, white leotard, white socks, white ballet shoes and character shoes.

Tap and Modern

Primary - Grade 4

We have introduced a new tap and modern leotard and this must be worn if your child only does tap and modern. 
Roche Valley Beatrice Marine leotard with black footless tights or black leggings.

If your child also does ballet, please only purchase the ballet leotard and your child can borrow the tap and modern leotard for an exam. We do not expect parents to buy two different leotards unless they choose to.

Grade 5 and above- any style black leotard and black footless tights. 

Black tap shoes only and Jazz tap shoes from grade 3 upwards.


Junior class - Roche Valley Marine leotard, black footless tights or shorts and ballet shoes.

Senior class - Any style leotard, black footless tights and ballet shoes.

Musical Theatre

Black CBSOD t-shirt and black joggers/leggings. Ballet shoes or jazz shoes. 

Hoodies, black CDSOD t-shirts and joggers are all order via the dance school. Please email your order to 

Our uniform can be purchased at the Dancing Boutique in Tunbridge Wells. Alternative brands to the above stated should not be purchased.
